Monday, May 19, 2008

// Begin VE-7 Entry.

His service is decorated across our fair planet, and as of this writing, there is yet more gallantry for him to come. When he entered into this, I did not think he was ready. How stupid!

He has proved himself several times over.

His name is known from human space to the realm of the gods, and back again. But most powerful of all is the way that he holds me.

// End VE-7 Entry.


// Begin AD-5 Entry.

My dear princess. She was taken from me.

Though, that is not as an item. That is not really what it means; she is far more capable than I; a princess fitting of Homer's Amazons. But her delicacy shines in our more intimate moments. When we lie together in my bed, before all of this happened, I knew that she was special. And when I see the things of which she is capable, I know fate meant to draw us together. She does not need protecting, but I will protect her.

She does not need an Officer; she will command legions soon. But I am hers. My sword is hers.

And it will become red with blood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

// Begin SG-0 Entry.

Milady Elin, your presence is highly sought. No knight, nor officer, nor God can save fair Olympos, but it is believe that in you lies the key. Our [Brain Magician] has been infected by [the Great Pretender] and only you have the ability to cure him of this ailment.

We mortals beseech you, please help us!

// End SG-0 Entry.